($Date: 2008/21/04 $)

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Help has buttons and menu items to open help, blog and forum pages in your primary browser.

Link Buttons
    Fabmetheus Blog
    Index of Local Documentation
    Wiki Manual
    Skeinforge Overview
    Bits from Bytes Printing Board
    Bits from Bytes Software Board
    Skeinforge Contributions Thread
    Skeinforge Settings Thread
  Wiki Manual Primary

Link Buttons


Fabmetheus Blog

The skeinforge announcements blog and the place to post questions, bugs and skeinforge requests.


Index of Local Documentation

The list of the pages in the documentation folder.

Wiki Manual

The skeinforge wiki with pictures and charts. It is the best and most readable source of skeinforge information and you are welcome to contribute.

Skeinforge Overview

A general description of skeinforge, has answers to frequently asked questions and has many links to skeinforge, fabrication and python pages. It is also the help page of the skeinforge tool.


Bits from Bytes Printing Board

Board about printing questions, problems and solutions. Most of the people on that forum use the rapman, but many of the solutions apply to any reprap.

Bits from Bytes Software Board

Board about software, and has some skeinforge threads.

Skeinforge Contributions Thread

Forum thread about how to contribute to skeinforge development.

Skeinforge Settings Thread

Forum thread for people to post, download and discuss skeinforge settings.


Wiki Manual Primary

Default is on.

The help menu has an item for each button on the help page. Also, at the very top, it has a link to the local documentation and if there is a separate page for that tool in the wiki manual, a link to that page on the manual. If the 'Wiki Manual Primary' checkbutton is selected and there is a separate wiki manual page, the wiki page will be the primary document page, otherwise the local page will be primary. The help button (? symbol button) on the tool page will open the primary page, as will pressing <F1>. For example, if you click the the help button from the chamber tool, which has a separate page in the wiki, and 'Wiki Manual Primary' is selected, the wiki manual chamber page will be opened. Clicking F1 will also open the wiki manual chamber page.

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addToMenu(master, menu, repository, window)
Add a tool plugin menu.
Get new repository.
Display the help dialog.

        __author__ = 'Enrique Perez ('
__date__ = '$Date: 2008/21/04 $'
__license__ = 'GNU Affero General Public License'
absolute_import = _Feature((2, 5, 0, 'alpha', 1), (2, 7, 0, 'alpha', 0), 16384)

        Enrique Perez (